Tables of Contents

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Bulletin of the British Association for Turkish Area Studies
Autumn 2016 No.28

[attr style=”width:188px”],Page[attr style=”width:33px”],[attr style=”width:596px”]
B Beeley & S-B Martin, 2, Editorial

Politics Society & Economics,,
William Hale, 3, Turkey’s Politics since March 2016
Clement Dodd, 15, Update on Cyprus
Timothy Less, 19, Turkey’s Reflexive Return to the Balkans

From the BATAS Symposium,,
Sinan Bayraktaroğlu, 24, Turkish versus English in Higher Education in Turkey (Part 1)
Ipek Demir, 28, Kurdish and Turkish communities from Turkey
Eylem Atakav, 32, Growing up Married: Representing child Brides on Screen

History & Culture,,
Ayşe Furlonger, 35, Noteworthy Events
Celia Kerslake, 37, The Gagauz between Russia and Turkey
Malcolm Wagstaff, 41, The British Mission Military Mission to Turkey 1798 – 1802 Part 1
Hande Eagle (interviewer), 45, Gϋlsin Onay – pianist
Gülay Yurday Michaels (poet), 50, Severus Sokağında; Yunus Balıkları ve Balinalar
G Y Michaels (translator), 50, On Severus Road; Dolphins and Whales

Brian Beeley, 51, Train to Turkey – 1960
Jill Sindall, 53, Impressions of Ankara

Conferences Workshops & Organisations,,
Jill Sindall, 55, BIAA Project
Brian Beeley, 60, Association of British Turkish Academics (ABTA)
Mel Kenne, 60, Turkish Poetry Today Launch
Brian Beeley, 61, BRISMES

Book Reviews & Publications,,
John Moreton, 61, Michael Pereira – East of Trebizond (1971)
Alev Scott, 61, Turkish Awakening (2014)
Arın Bayraktaroğlu, 64, Recent & Forthcoming Publications

Please note: Opinions expressed and stances taken are exclusively those of the contributors themselves.,,



Bulletin of the British Association for Turkish Area Studies
Spring 2016 No.27

[attr style=”width:188px”],Page[attr style=”width:33px”],[attr style=”width:596px”]
B Beeley & S-B Martin, 2, Editorial

The Special 2015 BATAS Lecture,,
William Hale, 3, Turkey: Two Elections and their Aftermath

Politics Society & Economics,,
Gamon McLellan, 11, Turkey’s Politics since October 2015
Clement Dodd, 20, Update on Cyprus 2015/16

History & Culture,,
Semra Eren-Nijhar, 25, Heritage
Ayşe Furlonger, 27, Noteworthy Events
Celia Kerslake, 32, Poetry in the middle decades of the 20th Century
Gülay Yurday Michaels (poet), 37, Experience is the master of fools
Gülay Yurday Michaels (translator), 37, Deneyimler aptalların efendisidir

Conferences Workshops & Organisations,,
Stephen Mitchell, 38, Turkey and Britain 1914-1952. From enemies to allies (BIAA).
B Beeley, 40, The Levantine Heritage Foundation
İlter Haliloğlu, 41, Turkey Year of Science Workshop (TÜBITAK)
B Beeley, 42, CEFTUS

Malcolm Wagstaff, 43, My first Visit to Turkey 1964l

Book Reviews & Publications (& a small vote of thanks),,
Mina Toksöz, 46, James H Meyer – Turks Across Empires
Ṏzgϋn Sarιmehmet Duman, 48, Nilgϋn Ṏnder – The Economic Transformation of Turkey
Arın Bayraktaroğlu, 51, Recent & Forthcoming Publications

In Memoriam,,
Nilϋfer Mizanoğlu Reddy, 53, Gϋlten Akιn[/table]



Bulletin of the British Association for Turkish Area Studies
Autumn 2015 No.26

[attr style=”width:188px”],Page[attr style=”width:33px”],[attr style=”width:596px”]
B Beeley & S-B Martin, 2, Editorial
Ayşe Furlonger, 3, Noteworthy Events

Politics Society & Economics,,
Gamon McLellan, 5, Turkey’s Politics since March 2015
Clement Dodd, 15, Update on Cyprus

From the BATAS Symposium,,
Pheroze Unwalla, 21, Centenary reflections on the transformation of Gallipoli
Sami Zubaida, 23, Turkey alcohol and Islam
Antony Wynn, 28, Carpets in peace and war

Art & Culture,,
Celia Kerslake, 33, Aspects of poetry
Hande Eagle (interviewer), 39, Jamal Aliyev musician
Gülay Yurday Michaels (poet), 43, I Saw Mimosas by Chance in Londinium
Gülay Yurday Michaels (translator), 43, Londra’da Mimozalar gördüm Rasgele

Semra Eren-Nijhar, 44, Turks in Britain
Edward Flaxman, 48, Railway Tragedy in 1871

Conferences Workshops & Organisations,,
Christine Woodhead, 46, Gibb Memorial Trust
Jane Beeley, 48, National Library Ankara
John Moreton, 49, Merhaba to Turkish in Leeds

Book Reviews & Publications (& a small vote of thanks),,
Cumhur Bekar, 52, Cihan Yüksel Muslu: The Ottomans and the Mamluks
William Hale, 54, Gail Dallas Hook: Protectorate Cyprus: British Imperial Power before World War I
David Boxen, 56, Zülfü Livaneli: Son Ada (The Last Island)
Yannis Moutsis, 59, Vally Lytra When Greeks and Turks Meet
Jill Sindall, 61, Alyson Wharton: The Architects of Ottoman Constantinople
Brian Beeley, 64, Tim Symonds: Sherlock Holmes and The Sword of Osman
Sigrid-B Martin, 65, Vote of thanks to Professor Clement Dodd
Arın Bayraktaroğlu, 65, Recent & Forthcoming Publications

Gamon McLellan, 67, Kenan Evren & Süleyman Demirel[/table]



Bulletin of the British Association for Turkish Area Studies
Spring 2015 No.25

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B Beeley & S-B Martin, 2, Editorial

The 2015 John Martin Lecture,,
Eugene Rogan, 3, Gallipoli from both Sides of the Trenches

Politics Society & Economics,,
Gamon McLellan, 7, Turkey’s Politics since October 2014
Clement Dodd, 15, Update on Cyprus 2014/15
Mina Toksöz, 21, The Turkish Economy in 2015

History & Archaeology,,
Peter Rogers, 24, The Search for Cissides
Naoíse MacSweeney, 27, Ancient Greek settlement in W Anatolia
Gerald MacLean, 31, British Travellers to Ottoman Kurdistan Part II
Serkan Yazιcι & Yakoob Ahmed, 38, Sultan Abdul Hamid II

Art & Culture,,
Gülay Yurdal-Michaels poet, 44, Pronectus-Karamürsel’de Yatan Kardeşim için
and translator, 44, For My Brother – whose grave is in Pronectus
Abed Najjar, 44, The Philately of Post-Ottoman ‘Arabia’
Mary Işın, 49, The Story of Turkey’s Sweets and Desserts
Chris Ponsford, 52, Turkey from the Shore: Reflections
Philippa Scott, 55,An Ottoman Garden in St Louis
Heidemarie Blankenstein, 57, When Walls fall – is it always a Blessing?
Ayşe Furlonger, 59, Noteworthy Events

BIAA Project,,
Warren Dockter & Stephen Mitchell, 64, Turkey & Britain 1914 – 1952 a BIAA report

Book Reviews & Publications,,
Brian Beeley, 66, Fatma Sel Turhan: The Ottoman Empire & the Bosnian Uprising
Jill Sindall, 67, Naci Yorulmaz: Arming the Sultan
Arın Bayraktaroğlu, 69, Recent & Forthcoming Publications

In Memoriam,,
Celia Kerslake, 72, A memorial event for Andrew Mango
Celia Kerslake, 73, Talât Sait Halman[/table]



Bulletin of the British Association for Turkish Area Studies
Autumn 2014 No.24

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B Beeley & S-B Martin, 2, Editorial
Ayşe Furlonger, 3, Noteworthy Events

Politics & Economics,,
Gamon McLellan, 5, Turkey’s Politics since March 2014
Gülnur Aybet, 12, Turkey’s Foreign Policy: Continuity and Change in Relations with the West Part 2
Clement Dodd, 15, Update on Cyprus

From the BATAS Symposium,,
Michael Axworthy, 19, Tribes Turks & Persians in the time of  Nader Shah 1698-1747
Kerem Öktem, 21, Clash of the Titans… political Islam in Turkey
Michael Ellison, 23, Say I am You – Mevlâna: A love story
George Hewitt, 28, Caucasians in Turkey: languages and study

Music & Poetry,,
Hande Eagle, 32, Interview with cellist Cansin Kara
Oktay Rifat, 35, Al Uğultu
Ruth Christie (transl), 35, Crimson Hum
Gülay Yurdal-Michaels, 35, Haftasonu Yalnızlığı
Gülay Yurdal- Michaels (transl), 35, Weekend Loneliness

History & People,,
Arın Bayraktaroğlu, 36, Interview with Mogens Pelt (The Menderes Era)
Jill Sindall, 39, Jews in the Ottoman Empire Part 2
Gerald MacLean, 43, Some British Travellers to Ottoman Kurdistan Part 1

Brian Beeley, 49, WOCMES in Ankara – 2014

Book Reviews & Publications,,
Natalie Martin, 50, Y Doğan Çetinkaya: The Young Turks & the Boycott Movement
Keith Nuttall, 51, Suraiya Faroqhi: Travel & Artisans in the Ottoman Empire
Arın Bayraktaroğlu, 53, Recent & Forthcoming Publications

In Memoriam,,
Clement Dodd, 56, Andrew Mango[/table]



Bulletin of the British Association for Turkish Area Studies
Spring 2014 No.23

[attr style=”width:188px”],Page[attr style=”width:33px”],[attr style=”width:596px”]

B Beeley & S-B Martin, 2, Editorial
Ayşe Furlonger, 3, Noteworthy Events

The 2014 John Martin Lecture,,
Talat Sait Halman, 7, Shakespearean Art in the Turkish Heart

Gamon McLellan, 11, Turkey’s Politics since October 2013
Oğuzhan Göksel, 18, AKP versus Gülen
Gülnur Aybet, 23, Turkey’s Foreign Policy
Clement Dodd, 28, Update on Cyprus 2013/14
Gabriel Mitchell, 32, An Israel-Turkey Project

The Arts & Poetry,,
Gülay Yurdal Michaels, 34, Poems: Medusa – Perseus’un Kalkanı ve Görüntüler
Gülay Yurdal Michaels (transl), 34, Medusa – the shield of Perseus and Appearances
Malcolm Wagstaff, 35, A Life-Cycle Poster from the Turkish Republic
Tuğrul Tanyol, 38, Van Gogh: Duvar – bazen genç ölünür
Ruth Christie (transl), 38, Van Gogh:Wall sometimes a young person dies

History & People,,
Jill Sindall, 40, Jews in the Ottoman Empire Part 1
Antony Wynn, 45, The Levantines in Smyrna
Eray Çaylı, 47, The Sivas Madımak Hotel event
Brian Beeley, 51, Stay-at-home migrants in Antalya
Peter Rogers, 56, Tlos beyond the guide book

Book Review & Publications,,
Arın Bayraktaroğlu, 59, Recent & Forthcoming Publications

In Memoriam,,
Arın Bayraktaroğlu, 61, Osman Streater[/table]



Bulletin of the British Association for Turkish Area Studies
Autumn 2013 No.22

[attr style=”width:188px”],Page[attr style=”width:33px”],[attr style=”width:596px”]
Brian Beeley & S B Martin,2,Editorial

Ayşe Furlonger,3,Noteworthy Events
Politics & Economics,,

Gamon McLellan, 5, Turkey’s Politics since March 2013
Natalie Martin, 15, Gezi Park/Taksim 7 ‒ 11 June 2013
Steve Bryant, 16, Ankara’s Atomised Protest
Kerem Őktem, 19, Dark Clouds over Turkey
Clement Dodd, 21, Update on Cyprus

From the TASG Symposium,,

Clement Dodd, 25, From Atatürk to Erdoğan: Political Revolution Or Evolution?

Celia Kerslake, 31, Changing Concerns in Turkish Literature since The foundation of the Republic


Gülay Yurdal Michaels (transl), 37, Untitled Gratitude
Gülay Yurdal Michaels, 37, Başlıksız Şükürler

History & People,,

Osman Streater, 38, 1218 – Why my Family rode into Turkey Part 2
Arın Bayraktaroğlu, 42, Interview with Fuad Kavur

Book Review & Publications,,

William Hale, 46, George Gawrych – Atatürk
Heidemarie Blankenstein, 47, Joachim Sartorius – Mein Zypern
Camilla Dawletschin-Linder, 49, Evliyâ Çelebi – 400th anniversary
Mehmet Ali Dikerdem, 51, Andrew Finkel Turkey – what everyone needs to know
Stephen Parkin, 53, Turkey at the 2013 London Book Fair
Arın Bayraktaroğlu, 56, Recent & Forthcoming Publications

In Memoriam,,
Mina Toksöz, 58, Memories of Leyla Erbil[/table]



Bulletin of the British Association for Turkish Area Studies
Spring 2013 No.21

[attr style=”width:188px”],Page[attr style=”width:33px”],[attr style=”width:596px”]
Brian Beeley & S B Martin,2,Editorial

Ayşe Furlonger,3,Noteworthy Events
The 2013 John Martin Lecture,,
Alon Liel,7,Turkish-Israeli Relations


Gamon McLellan, 11, Developments since October 2012

Ece Göztepe, 18, The constitution-making process in Turkey: Between law and politics – Part 2

Clement Dodd, 21, Update on Cyprus

The Arts & Poetry,,

Belma Ötüş Baskett, 25, Interview with Buket Uzuner

Nilüfer Mizanoğlu Reddy, 30, Nezihe Meriç: The irrepressible Narrator – Part 2

History & People,,

Andrew Mango , 35, The Turkish Republic in Retrospect

Osman Streater , 38, 1218 – Why my Family rode into Turkey – Part 1

Celia Kerslake, 43, Modern Ankara: A Symposium

Sally Mustoe, 44, Why Turkey? – A Reflection

Book Review & Publications,,

Maja Miljković Hoare, 47, James Pettifer- The Kosova Liberation Army Underground War to Balkan Insurgency  1948-2001.
William Armstrong, 50, Geert Mak The Bridge
Arın Bayraktaroğlu, 52, Recent & Forthcoming Publications[/table]



Bulletin of the British Association for Turkish Area Studies
Autumn 2012 No.20

[attr style=”width:188px”],Page[attr style=”width:33px”],[attr style=”width:596px”]
Brian Beeley & S B Martin,1,Editorial

Ayşe Furlonger,3,Noteworthy Events


Gamon McLellan, 5, Turkey’s Politics since March 2012

James Pettifer, 12, The Greek Crisis – Crisis without End?

Oğuzhan Göksel, 15, The Arab Spring: A ‘Blessing in Disguise’ for Turkish-British Relations?

Clement Dodd, 19, Update on Cyprus

From the TASG Symposium,,

Ece Göztepe, 25, The constitution-making process in Turkey: Between law and politics

Shahina Farid, 28, A Turkish Delight: Life in an Anatolian city 9000 years ago: Çatalhöyük excavation at Çatalhöyük

Caroline Tee, 32, Reviving Alevi Identity in the AKP Years: An Ethnographic Perspective.

The Arts & Poetry,,

Nilüfer Mizanoğlu Reddy , 37, Nezihe Meriç: The irrepressible Narrator

Gülay Yurdal  Michaels, 42, Summerday (Yazgünü)

History & People,,

David Barchard, 42, Universities Challenged

Stefano Taglia, 46, The Young Turks

Maggie Oliphant, 50, The Accidental Hoteliers

Betula Nelson, 53, The Atatürk Society of the UK

Book Review & Publications,,

William Armstrong,54,Ece Temelkuran Deep Mountain and Fethiye Çetin My Grandmother

Arın Bayraktaroğlu,57,Recent & Forthcoming Publications[/table]



Bulletin of the British Association for Turkish Area Studies
Spring 2012 No.19

[attr style=”width:188px”],Page[attr style=”width:33px”],[attr style=”width:596px”]
Brian Beeley & S B Martin,1,Editorial
Ayşe Furlonger,3,Noteworthy Events
John Martin Lecture,,
Christine Woodhead,6,The Art of Letter Writing among the Ottomans
History & People,,
Arın Bayraktaroğlu,10,Interview with Gülsün Karamustafa
Sheniz Tan,14,From Middlesbrough to the Yayla
Sabine Hagemann-Ünlüsoy,18,Inter-cultural projects – Goethe-Inst / Ankara
Jill Sindall,22,Postcards from Istanbul
Gamon McLellan,25,Turkey’s Politics since October 2011
Clement Dodd,31,Update on Cyprus
Michael Lake,35,Turkey and the European Union
The Arts & Poetry,,
Figen Phelps,39,Dame Ninette de Valois (Symposium synopsis)
Gülay Yurday Michaels,42,Naif Şiir / A Naive Poem
University Information & Conferences,,
Celia Kerslake,43,Turkish Studies in the UK
Malcolm Wagstaff,47,Imperial Legacies
Book Review & Publications,,
Stephen Parkin,47,Learning to Read
Brain Beeley,50,Pashas
Malcolm Wagstaff,51,The Transformation of Ottoman Crete
Belma Ötüs-Baskett,52,Loveswept: A Cross-cultural Romance of 1950s Turkey
Brain Beeley,53,J H Haynes-Photographer
Arın Bayraktaroğlu,54,Recent & Forthcoming Publications
Clement Dodd,55,Rauf Denktaş in Memoriam

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